2022 Camel Group Guangxi Distributor Conference
July 26 2022

On July 26, 2022, the conference was grandly held in Wuzhou, Guangxi. The distributors in Guangxi Province started a wonderful factory trip to explore the intelligent manufacturing of Camel batteries. 


In order to show the real production process to the public, let more car owners and dealer partners understand the production process of Camel battery, this visit to the factory adopted a fashionable live broadcast online.


Camel Group South China production base is located in Wuzhou City, Guangxi. Participating dealer partners visited the production base in South China, from the fully automated production line, and how to effectively recycle waste batteries for green recycling, reflecting the ingenious investment and innovation of Camel battery .


During the visit to the factory, the partners had a deeper understanding of the company's corporate mission of "providing green power, developing a circular economy, and continuously creating a better life for mankind" and striving to build the first brand in the battery industry.


After the visit to the factory, the partners arrived at the venue. Sun Quan, vice president of Camel Group expressed the confidence and determination of the group and dealers across the country to work together to win the future.